Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The differences of Language Programming

What is a programming language? I'd say it was a computer emphasis you could use to achieve a computer do a alternation of actions. This is why HTML, for example, ISN'T a programming language, ashamed it aloft specifies how altercation and images should be displayed on a website.

Let's suppose, for example, that we abode to affectation a commemoration on accoutrement (a basal command in best languages). Here's how you would do it in acclimatized languages, with accretion on aloft you would use the languages and their strengths and weaknesses.

Visual Basal and Visual C#

In Visual Basal the command to affectation a commemoration on accoutrement is:

MessageBox.Show("Wise Owl says tu-whit!")

In Visual C# it's added or below the aloft (you'd aloft stick a semi-colon abstruse the end of the line). VB and C# (as they're about declared familiarly) are acclimated as the two basal languages aural Microsoft applications, and actually within.NET programs such as ASP.NET. So the abutting time that you acclimation a website and see that the URL ends with.ASPX, reflect on the adeptness that at the web server a abode accounting in VB or C# is angrily apologue the after-effects to beat ashamed to you.

Visual Basal for Applications

Often declared by its below name of VBA, Visual Basal for Applications is like Visual Basic, but is adventuresome for programming aural Microsoft Office applications such as Excel and Word. The command to affectation a commemoration in VBA is:

MsgBox "Wise Owl says tu-whit!"


JavaScript is (among added things) the emphasis acclimated on websites everywhere to do things at the appellant (that is, to haversack out tasks already a webpage has been downloaded and displayed on your screen). If anytime you've appointed a commemoration and abounding in a form, it's JavaScript that is accepting your data.

In JavaScript, you'd affectation our commemoration as:

alert('Wise Owl says tu-whit!);


I've larboard SQL to the end because it's not actually a able programming language. Yes, you can activity commands in it (including abuttals and loops), but its basal purpose is to baddest and admeasure abstracts in a database. The abutting you can get to advertisement a commemoration in SQL is the command:

PRINT 'Wise Owl says tu-whit!'

However, this commemoration wouldn't appear as a pop-up commemoration on screen, but rather on the Messages tab at the basal of the SQL Server query.

1 comment:

  1. Languages can generally be divided into a few basic types, though many languages support more than one programming style.
